Please be on your mat ready to practice 5 minutes prior to class.  This allows everyone, including your teachers, to start class on time

Please download our Bodhi Hot Yoga + Fitness App to handle all class bookings and purchases in one easy place!

  • Prior to class: hydrate, wear comfortable clothing and it’s helpful to have an empty stomach

  • Doors open 30 minutes before class starts - If it’s your first time, please come 20 min. before class to get signed in

  • PARKING: lot available in back of the building and ample parking on 4th street

  • If you forgot a yoga mat and towel - no problem, we have plenty to rent

  • New to yoga? It’s normal to feel a little nervous before your first class. Don’t worry - we got you! We have beginners in every class and our instructors will guide you through every step

  • Why the heat? Some classes will be heated - don’t let that intimidate you. Heat warms your muscles, making them more elastic and less susceptible to injury. It helps increase the flexibility of your body so you may stretch safely in postures. It increases circulation, helps release toxins from your organs, muscles and tissues.

  • Benefits of a yoga practice? You will help decrease stress, burn fat, increase metabolism, reduce back pain, increase muscle tone, improve sleep, improve posture, build strength and endurance, increase flexibility and balance. The yoga works all systems in your body.

  • How often do I need to practice? Come as often as you can. Yoga is cumulative - the more you’re able to come, the better your body and mind will feel. Regular practitioners come 3-5 times a week. You will notice changes in your body after your first class.

  • What if I have a health concern? Always follow your doctor’s orders and consult with your doctor if you are on any medications or have any health issues.

  • What if I have past injuries? With a consistent practice, yoga can help heal old injuries and break down scar tissue.

  • In the yoga room: Please respect others’ space and maintain a quiet voice and if you need to bring your phone / watch into the room , PLEASE turn on silent mode

Most important, HAVE FUN!! It’s just yoga.

Our Location

528 4th Street San Rafael California


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